Friday, May 3, 2013

Area 20 Google Summit now FREE!

Originally published October 8, 2012
Who can’t resist something that is free? On Saturday, October 27 from 8 am to 4 pm TCEA Area 20 will be hosting a FREE Google Summit. Come to the summit to see Google in action and to learn from presenters about all aspects of Google and Google Apps.

Here is the link for more information:

The event will be held at Robert G. Cole High School at Ft. Sam and is come and leave as you need!

Robert G. Cole High School is located at 1900 Winans Rd. on the Fort Sam Houston Installation. You are strongly encouraged to access the high school by coming in the Winans Gate off of Harry Wurzbach (near Wurzbach and Rittiman). You will go through one guard gate at Winans and Nursery. Please be prepared to show a valid driver’s license. Also, be sure your vehicle registration tag and inspection sticker are up to date. Once through the guard gate, continue down Winans Road. Cole High School will be on your left hand side.

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